Friday, 30 April 2010
I forgot to mention
On weds night we got invited out for tea, lovely meal really enjoyed the evening and I was doing very well not boring everyone to death talking about beads, until however we got to the part when they brought the cheese and biscuits out. That part was fine , it was the knifes that did it for me , not the sharp ones oh no a perfect one like a spade that would be perfect for moving melted glass. Out pops my mouth do you need that knife as that would be perfect for my beads, groans from the hubby and others , my head in shame I am not even able to go out for tea an not think about what would be good to use as equipment for my beads . Bearing in mind that in my head I had already moved into their conservatory with my torch and kiln as there view is directly onto the sea. Perfect !!!!
Thursday, 29 April 2010
I am struggling
So that you do not think I will make any beads up that I have made here are some I made yesterday, the red glass and the frit was kindly sent up from Trudi ( Glittering Prize ). Now I know I know this is only my 5th attempt ever, but I want to be perfect already. I have the belly button middle but the gravity all the way round is still not perfect and it is driving me nuts. I am find the safety glasses a both as my contacts trend to dry out so my sight goes all fuzzy and also I think I am putting the beads still in the kiln too quickly so next time I am , note to self put beads in kiln on perfect time not too quick or too slow , just right.
And some black beads that looked good enough to use of mine that I made yesterday, I have teamed these up with purple S . I shall wear my stuff with pride and the little extra that they where all handmade in Shetland.
So they may be a bit wonky , but they are mine own work and I am really proud that I have achieved this. I am going to be 35 this year and I have finally found something I like doing and that I am proud even if wonky to show to the world.
My Virgin Earrings
Oh and I had to make some cow beads they were really enjoyable to do so I will be perfecting these babies for future use , I shall make these up into a bracelet .
These are a mixture of colours that I was playing with yesterday , I have to start trying to get as near as possible with exact sizes but again that will take a while, I am hoping one day it will all just click. Fingers Crossed !!
Bloody Mary Earrings :
Monday, 26 April 2010
My attempts so far
So here are my first ever 3 attempts of bead making on my own, bearing in mind I had only used the torch for the first time ever with my day with Kaz. ( Lovely Kaz from Cheeky Cherub )
Above is day 1, The gravity needed alot more work and I made the beads too small, however the lentil I was really pleased with and too really with the beads because they may look shit but they were what I had made all on my own . It will take alot of practice and over time I am sure I will get used to the glass .
Day 2 Above. I listened to Trudi's advice and went slower so the gravity had a better chance in forming . I was so pleased with the one or two that came out . Still on a high though I love it watching the glass melt , putting the colours together seeing how they turn out the next day after annealing
Day 3 , fewer beads but I can see a slight improvement or is it wishful thinking ? I hope not as I am enjoying this sooooo much .
Friday, 23 April 2010
I have wobbly beads
I have wobbly beads , yes I am new to doing it so it is to be expected all to do with gravity, but I do not think I am helping the cause really. it has something to do with the Ipod. Anything that you can get your bum jiggling too. Its happening, my arse will not stay still and anything rocky ( foo fighters the sound just goes up. Classical or anything lovey does not help with the lamp working, 80's 70' rock, pop, my arse is a going and it is very hard trying to keep you hand still for gravity and that perfect bead if the music is a flowing.
Does anyone else have this problem ? if so what songs get your arse moving whilst making beads.
Also I do not get why once you have a go lamp working why all people are not hooked ??? I mean I understand it does not come easily to some but just the thrill of melting the glass should hook everyone. Then again saying that I don't like clay or doing wire work so i suppose it is just down do tastes and what floats peoples boats I suppose.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Up and running
So I was awake at 4.30 this morning , Husband was none too pleased to be awake as well through my fidgeting in bed.
He made a wonderful and the right decision to set me up and running so here's The Tardis and the kiln that I decided upon today.
Meet Norman the Nordel Torch above :
And then !!!! Meet Pinkie isn't she a beauty
The Husband does love me he suggested that he put the wine racks above so that I have more storage underneath for glass that he knows I will buy. I do love him very much because hes done the lot . Otherwise I would be in the kitchen on the table if it was not for him .
And yes I have been on the help forums already and I have spoken to Kiln care twice already ! And Trudi , wonderful Trudi has rung so I am to become a far away stalker I fear, her number will be on speed dial.
I am in love with my toastie little Tardis
Update Update
ITS ARRIVED my stuff has arrived , after I wrote it was not coming , it came. It still says that it is in Dundee but its not It has arrived. I am ssooooooooooooo excited. Will take pics when have set up.
Monday, 19 April 2010
A quickie to let you know what the hell is going on with my equipment or lack of it shall I say.
It was sent out very prompt by the company I bought the goods from. I have full praise for all the help they gave and sending it out when they were very busy as they were trying to pack for the Flame Off. But inpatient customers and very needy ones at that ( Me ! ) begged that if they had the time could they post before they went. So they did and it has been picked up by bloody UPS and has stayed at UPS depot in Dun bloody Dee since the 15th and will not arrive maybe before the end of this week , hence a very frustrated and unhappy woman. UPS have said remote area so delivery rescheduled.
So I have electric although no fan as of yet, something else that we are waiting on, I have a shed, storage , stool. lighting the lot but do I have equipment do a thing , NO I DON'T . The Son is going away on Friday ( School Trip to York ) so I could have a full week of play and not having to be mum , The Husband can cook I don't mind and do my refreshments I still won't mind .
I think I would have got parcels quicker if we lived in The North Pole . I really do.
Saturday, 10 April 2010
A Year ago to yesterdays date
Drawbacks are :
The remoteness and the lack of the 21st century at your door.
The bad weather & cold.
The electric bills are a rip off in a huge way and I would not mind if it at least kept you warm in the winter, but it does not. And the fuel bills is 10p to 20p a litre dearer than you lot on the mainland. Moaning that your fuel is now 1.20 ha ours was that last year we are on 1.30 I expect.
Also the cost of getting off Shetland in plain words it is a JOKE.
Ferries as I get seasick - YUK YUK YUK
There are more but that could take all day.
Positives :
Community , we have one and its a very friendly and supportive one at that.
Safe as houses, I mean my 11 year old is safe to go out to play just like when I was a child.
Doors left open , no-one will rob your house.
Sundays are a day of rest & roast dinners.
No more Traffic jams , need I say any more.
Again the list could go on.
So I have made today 3 bracelets that I need to finish off and these below . The house needs a good clean but am I doing it , nahh maybe next week !!!
Sputnik Earrings
Sputnik Necklace
Creeky Beads Bracelet
Raspberry Ripple Earrings
So a year on do I want to go back South , yes and no really . The countryside yes the safety yes , some shops , no ferry journeys , however the traffic no, the city living no, the people & lack of community no. If you feel confused think what its like for us 3 three living it.
We take one day at a time and enjoy what it does or does not bring. Its the only way to keep moving forward.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Is that it.
I have made a bracelet to go with the Swinging 60's Necklace this week. Looks very funky in the sun. I do love the Hippie Chick Look, can never manage to pull it off myself , to used to jeans I guess plus I feel like a burk in a skirt.
Also as it is coming up to the world cup as I keep being told by The Husband & The Son . I saw this and though of them.
Thursday, 8 April 2010
I've gone and done it again
No , not that you dirty minded lot, I would never tell you that. Gutters the lot of you heads in gutters I say.
No I have gone and ordered lampwork stuff including The Kiln .
So I have to wait for all that and for the electrics to be all fixed up and done so close and yet so far away. I cannot even make anything I am that excited with everything else. I need to slap myself silly and start making stuff. I mean even to my horror I have even thought just for one split second though about selling some of my prized handbags and shoes . I must be mental . Slapped myself with that thought and husband's jaw had to be picked up off floor, he said sell the shoes . I knew then that noway I am gonna do that. Ha Ha Those will be my famous last words.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Between 2 kilns
So it is down to 2 kilns having been 3 to decide upon.
For all you lampworkers you will know what i am talking about.
the 3 were :
beadcube - which is small so great space wise but only does about 30 beads
sc2 - which most lampworkers use, is medium in size.
maxi - which is large and pink what more can i say to that.
after asking a good fair few people it is back down to 2 the 2 i decided upon when first thinking about getting a kiln . and i think i have an idea as to what i have decided upon but you will have to wait and see for the grand opening of The Tardis .
Monday, 5 April 2010
The Tardis
Meet The Tardis
I am so proud of The Husband , no messing with him it has took 2 days that's all 2 ruddy days.
And it would have been done in a day if we had not had to wait for the insulation for the middle of the ply .
The Roof first , yes yes I know hes building it inside the garage but believe me it needs to be this way up here as it blows a gale through our garage and I need some protection.
A layer each side of ply with insulation in between and bobs your uncle as they say, now all we have to do is wait for the electrics , wait for equipment and put the insides in and I will be up and running, The Husband and The Son will be running when I make my first set all by my self. I also dread to here the noises that I might make, good job we have no neighbours near by.
Ummmm I wonder if the lock on the door will be going on the inside or outside of The Tardis.
And I shall have to put a sign up saying in garage " playing with glass "
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Something we would have never done in Manchester
And it is what the title says, there was an open day at the leisure centre today to mark its opening I think some years ago. So there was lots of free activities to go a try for free today. The husband does badminton so went down to help out in that section when it was on , I followed with The Son later to try Carpet Bowls.
So as for all 3 of us tonight we played Carpet Bowls never having done anything like it before ever, plenty of Whalsay folk on hand to help out with all age groups playing from children , to our age and older folk. It was actually very good and all 3 of us enjoyed it very much , we know that this would not have been even considered in Manchester or even taking part in an open day in our local community we would not have bothered to go so I am pleased that we made that effort to join in.
Having a Polka Moment
I spied Trudi's pink polkas on her flicker page , fell head over heels in love with them, so emailed her that very second, it went on from there with my Polka Moment.
I just love Polka's , so as you can see below are 3 types of colours Trudi kindly did for me after a few emails and picture sharing. I love Trudi and her Polkas
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